Young Muskegon area artist basing career on hometown murals

NORTON SHORES, Mich. (via WOOD TV) — If you've driven down Henry Street in Muskegon lately, you may have noticed a vibrant display of colossal flowers.

It's not graffiti; it's the latest mural painted by local artist Jimmy Cobb, a 19-year-old aspiring muralist from North Muskegon who studies new studio practice at The Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design.

Cobb hopes his latest mural, which is painted on the side of Blended Furniture Market, will help launch his career.

"Every piece you do is the next piece in your portfolio," Cobb said. "Each time, it (your portfolio) increases tenfold and sooner or later you've made it, or however you want to define that."

His first mural was painted just blocks from his former high school in North Muskegon at the Four Corners Cafe.

"Everybody kind of knows you here, so I was coming back from school this year, waving to people on the road, waving to people at the school," Cobb said. "My first mural really helped launch my career. The positive reception really helped me land my second project."

Randi Lynn Talsma of Blended Furniture Market found Cobb through word of mouth. She gave him an opportunity and a blank canvas.

"The mural was just something that we were really excited about," Talsma said. "We had this giant 100-by-20-foot white wall. We gave Jimmy the opportunity to take the lead on the project with the goal to liven up the area but also giving something back to the community."

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