Michigan vs. Ohio

If you've been tired of the Muskegon bashing on Facebook like me.  Do you think Muskegon is really a pretty cool place to live and raise a family?  Heck we live in a place that people come to spend their vacations.  Here is your chance to stand up for our beautiful hometown.

Strong Towns is a non-profit organization that promotes communities who are financially strong and resilient through the work of local citizens or "people who care".  Well they have been conducting a competition between communities across the country.  And guess what?  Muskegon has made it to the finals.  It's comes down to Muskegon, Michigan and Kent, Ohio.

Now who in the world would want an Ohio town to beat a Michigan town?  You can help the cause by going to the link on this page and voting for Muskegon.  You have until Friday to get your votes in.

So ya think I'm just a Muskegon cheerleader?  Well...HELL Yeah.  I am and proud of the title just like I am of this amazing town that has changed so much for the better over the 30+ years that I have it called it MY hometown.

I know it's not on the football field, the basketball court, or the ice rink but it is still a competition that we HAVE to win!  It's Michigan vs. that state south of the border.  Please share this with your friends, family and coworkers.  We voted and won the competition for the Singing Christmas Tree, now let's win one for Muskegon!

Thanks for reading...now VOTE!

Vote here:     http://bit.ly/Vote4Muskegon


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