While coronavirus scammers have bilked Americans out of $13.4 million, the FBI is warning companies to be on the lookout for employees who are lying about being diagnosed with COVID-19. CNN obtained a copy of a report that the FBI's Office of Private Sector sent out, advising companies to be on the lookout for falsified documents from employees claiming they have the coronavirus.
The agency explained that companies face significant financial losses if an employee contracts COVID-19. They must shut down operations and sanitize their offices, while other employees who had close contact with their sick co-worker must self-quarantine for two weeks.
The FBI cited an example of a "critical manufacturing company" that suffered an estimated loss of $175,000 after an employee lied about their diagnosis.
"In response, the company shut down the affected manufacturing facility to disinfect the location, ceasing production and halting delivery of necessary materials to the plant," the FBI report stated. "The company notified all employees at the facility, including four workers who had close contact with the reportedly infected employee and were required to self-quarantine."
The FBI suggested that companies should contact the employee's doctor or medical provider to confirm the results of the tests.
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